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Programa Latino para Dejar de Fumar (Latino Program to Stop Smoking) - Program Materials

Program Materials Listing

Guía para Dejar de Fumar ( ) Modified Since Evaluation
Guide for smoking cessation (Spanish language). This is a National Cancer Institute publication. To order a copy or get information on bulk orders, call 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) and select the option to order publications.
Section on pharmacotherapy was added since product was tested.
Libreta De Control
Pocket-size booklet for recording activities on a daily basis (Spanish language)
Programa Latino Para Dejar de Fumar, Ejercicios de Relajacion ( Listen Now )
Audio file with captioning containing instructions and relaxation exercises (Spanish language)
Tomando Control de su Vida ( Preview )
Poster for recording activities on a daily basis (Spanish language)
Tomando Control de su Vida (Ejemplo) ( Preview )
Poster for recording activities on a daily basis - example showing suggested use (Spanish language)


  • Program materials used in this research project may be downloaded and saved from this site. The material may be used "as is" or may be modified and adapted for your context.
  • You may review each item individually by selecting the links provided or, unless indicated otherwise, you may order a copy of the program's materials by using the Order link
  • The program CD is not copyrighted, please feel free to duplicate the program CD as needed.

Adaptation Guidelines:

  • Program Adaptation Guidelines: provides tips on how to ensure your program's optimal success in your community's setting when adapting materials that were designed and tested within a controlled research study. Before adapting programs, users should review current literature, guidelines, and other evidence reviews to update the program materials.
  • Putting Public Health Evidence in Action: an interactive training curriculum to support community program planners and health educators in developing skills in using evidence-based approaches.
Updated: 04/27/2012