The RE-AIM scores for this program are based on the multiple studies listed under the Primary Publications section on the summary page.

Study 1: Potter MB, Phengrasamy L, Hudes ES, McPhee SJ, Walsh JM. (2009). Offering annual fecal occult blood tests at annual flu shot clinics increases colorectal cancer screening rates. Annals of Family Medicine, 7 (1), 17-23.

  • Reach: 80.0 %
  • Effectiveness: 66.7 %
  • Adoption: 80.0 %
  • Implementation: 71.4 %

Study 2: Potter MB, Walsh JM, Yu TM, Gildengorin G, Green LW, McPhee SJ. (2011). The effectiveness of the FLU-FOBT program in primary care a randomized trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41 (1), 9-16.

  • Reach: 100.0 %
  • Effectiveness: 66.7 %
  • Adoption: 83.3 %
  • Implementation: 71.4 %

Study 3: Potter MB, Ackerson LM, Gomez V, Walsh JM, Green LW, Levin TR, Somkin CP. (2013). Effectiveness and reach of the FLU-FIT program in an integrated health care system: a multisite randomized trial. American Journal of Public Health, 103 (6), 1128-1133.

  • Reach: 80.0 %
  • Effectiveness: 66.7 %
  • Adoption: 83.3 %
  • Implementation: 71.4 %

Please note that "Maintenance" is not calculated as part of the RE-AIM scoring process for EBCCP.

For detailed information regarding the scoring criteria, please refer to the RE-AIM scoring. For additional information visit the RE-AIM website.

Updated: 08/08/2013